Intelligence must be in the hands and feet as well as in the head Our Clubs & Societies
At Royal Diadem School, we believe that not all the hours spent at school should be utilized for teaching and learning in the classroom - some life skills are taught in an informal way as well. Besides academics, club activities form an integral part of the school curriculum. As a result, we we lay due emphasis on different activities through active participation in various artistic clubs. We guide students to discover and create their own understanding by offering our students a wide variety of co-curricular activities where they are encouraged to be part of at least one of the clubs.
We play on words Drama & Theatre

Talk about building self-confidence, public speaking skills, creativity, self-discipline with team-work through joy and power of drama - this is why this club was formed. Whether you would want to be on stage, behind the stage or just have a craic with people outside your class and play mates, this is the place for you. We have fun while we learn about acting, stage terminologies, lighting, costuming and make up. What are you waiting for? The next meeting might be happening now, just walk in!
Amammerɛ mma, Yɛnim de Dance & Culture

The dance club is a recreational club that allows students to engage in different forms of dances for art, fitness and fun. We boast of being one of the largest and most diverse clubs in the Royal Diadem community. Whether you are a beginner, or you have been dancing all your life, you would still find some great and interesting moves to learn. Wide range of dances are taught and learnt; contemporary and traditional. Through the cultural club, students are made to recognize the contribution of all cultures to the fabric of our society and increase the understanding of diversity and values of all people. No skill is needed to join, just have a smile on your face and you're welcome to our next gathering!
The pen is mightier than the sword Writers & Debaters

The writers’ and Debaters’ Club is set out to groom the minds to be discerning and to champion the cause of students. Our members exhibit pure sense of writing intellect and literary performances.The club gives students of all abilities a fun way of developing their oracy skills. We use different activities to help students with their critical thinking and confident communication. The club also helps students to become more informed about political and global affairs, and provides an extra avenue for students to train for debate competitions with schools in the locality, and at national the level as well. Ready for the next competition, our doors are open to you!
We grill, fry, brew and stew Beyond Plate & Spoons
Whether or not you aspire to be a chef, you can learn to cook like one. Our aim is to educate members about kitchen etiquette, health and safety, safe food handling and storage, and of course, how to follow a recipe! Beyond pots and pans is an excellent way for students to make new friends beyond classmates and learn culinary skills and safety they can use at home and for a lifetime. In our dedicated cookery room, pupils explore a variety of cooking experiences. Whether it's banku and okra soup or a tasty banana cake, the aroma that elopes from that kitchen is glorious and if you're lucky enough, you may even get some treats to take home for dinner! What do you need to do? Show up ready to learn, and have fun!
Creativity, our Hall-mark Arts
The Art club is aimed at nurturing the creative needs of our students as well as to instill in them the spirit of team work. With the idea that art is not confined to a single domain like the normal painting and drawing, our students are exposed to a variety of creative expressions which involve making artwork from any available material like fabric, papers, beads and many others to form wonderful products such as brooches, head bands, designed slippers, bracelets and fascinators. Not only do we have fun in the art club through exploring, but we lay a great foundation for entrepreneurial pursuits. We say a creative mind inspires so we urge you to visit and become a "boss" in life.
...For Tech, For Life Science & Technology Club

If you're a student falling within the basic four to nine classes who is interested in science, passionate about expanding you knowledge in science and happy to meet other students with similar interests to pursue science related activites, look no further. Exploring science through field trips, activities, experiments and projects are just a few fun activities we engage in when we meet fortnightly. Don’t miss out further on all the fun left for you - drop by during our next meeting and have an experience of a lifetime!
Service to Mankind... Red Cross
The Red Cross club is formed under the direct control of the Ghana Red Cross Society. The Club is open to students from basic one through to Junior High levels. Anyone who joins the club is trained to become a first aider by learning simple First Aid skills, which are not simple if you don't know them. A first Aider is not a specialized doctor but is reliable to give first hand treatment to the injured and the sick in the school, home and community. Members of the our red cross club usually end up developing the passion for professions such as nursing, mid-wifery and other health related occupations through the training. You might be in for more than you bargained for, but who cares when it's about embarking on educational trips and having fun games.
En Français! S'il Vous Plait! French Club
Bienvenue au club français! The purpose of the French club is to promote the study of French language and culture and to reinforce and enhance learning that takes place in class through activities, projects and discussions Typical activities include experiencing French cultural celebrations, watching French movies, playing French games, scavenger hunts and preparing French foods. The club is opened to anyone with an interest in learning about the French language and francophone culture. You want to watch a French movie with some pop-corn? This is the place to be.
We depend on God, we have faith in God Good News
But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me: for such is the kingdom of heaven. Amen. Matthew 19:14
Our purpose is to evangelize to students with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and establish them in the word of God and in their church for Christian living. Our club is a Christian program for students between 6 and 11 years. In our club we partake in the following activities: Bible lessons, singing, prayers, reciting memory verses, leadership training and how to have personal devotion with God daily. We also help meet the spiritual needs of our members by bringing the gospel to them during our meeting days and also help to promote moral and character development in them. Proverbs 22:6 is our focal scripture "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it".
Discipline translates into success Cadet Corps
Ha! You think this is all about marching? Yes? We got you there - this is far from the truth. The cadet corps helps instill discipline in students and equip them with the basic skills of security and peace building. The life skills gained through the cadet are transferrable and can be applied in school and later adult life. Among the training given are basic first aid, drills and leadership just to mention a few. These trainings help our members learn to deal with pressure, self-reliance, manage challenges, strengthen self-discipline and build leadership and responsibility, Are you in the upper primary section or Junior high school? You can join our next meeting and we promise it'll be fun!